All guests are asked to fill out a short health questionnaire upon arrival.
We reserve the right to decline treatment based on the information provided.
Added Safety Provisions
​Massage appointments are spaced adequately apart, limiting the number of guests in the studio.​
An air purifier with dual HEPA filtration is located in the massage room, cleansing the air every 30 minutes.
All touch points and surfaces are thoroughly sanitized with EPA certified disinfectants between each client.
Hand towels in the restroom are changed between each client.
Any massage instruments used in the session are thoroughly disinfected.
Proper hygiene practices between each client will be continually maintained, cleansing the hands, arms and feet (if applicable).
I am very conscientious of your safety, health and comfort.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.